The Yes on 4 campaign is out with digital ad deception – trying to paint Amendment 4 as a straightforward choice between a woman and her doctor. The reality is far more dangerous.
Amendment 4 is only 34 words and states, in part: “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider….” This language is alarmingly vague and deliberately leaves out crucial definitions.
Here’s the red flag: Amendment 4 doesn’t specify “doctors,” just “healthcare providers.” This loophole means ANY healthcare worker, not just doctors, could make critical decisions on viability and health exceptions. They chose not to write “doctors”—and that’s no accident. It’s a deliberate attempt to trick voters.

Warning signs are everywhere. Unlike past amendments, Amendment 4 has no definitions, making it a short amendment with huge implications. This lack of clarity would enable abortions at any time for nearly any reason, far beyond what was allowed under Roe v. Wade. It even empowers abortion clinics to approve late-term procedures without involving doctors, even when science shows the baby can feel pain.
Furthermore, Amendment 4 removes Florida’s parental “consent” law, replacing it with a mere “notification.” These aren’t safeguards— they’re loopholes.
Amendment 4 is a scam, not a safeguard. With no definitions, doctors, or parental consent, the Yes on 4 campaign is clearly trying to trick voters.
Vote No on Amendment 4.