Florida Physicians Against Amendment 4, a coalition of over 400 physicians from across the state who are dedicated to providing women with excellent care, recently held […]
The Yes on 4 campaign’s dishonest TV ad has received a “Mostly False” rating from PolitiFact, which called out Yes on 4 for “misleading” Floridians about state […]
The Yes on Amendment 4 Campaign TV Ad receives a “Mostly False” from Politifact showing once again that their amendment is as DECEPTIVE as their ad. The sponsors […]
Does Florida abortion law have no ‘real’ rape, health exceptions? Fact-checking pro-Amendment 4 ad The group backing Amendment 4 in Florida, which would enshrine abortion access […]
“Whether it’s FRAUD or just FLAWED – Amendment 4 is NOT what it seems!” This ad, running on television NOW, tells Florida voters the truth about Amendment 4. “Warning Signs […]
Earlier this week we sent you a news alert that the official Yes on 4 campaign website includes a link, under “Information and resources,” that directs to the website of […]
Tallahassee, FL – The official Yes on 4 campaign website includes a link, under “Information and resources,” that directs to the website of another pro-abortion group supporting the extreme and […]